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Shoulder, elbow, wrist & hand pain

Shoulder Pain

Treating Shoulder Pain
Shoulder sprains, strains and dislocations are very common, due to the shoulder allowing the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body.
These injuries are often caused by repetitive overhead motions, including many sporting activities, but also the result of wear and tear.
Common symptoms include stiffness and pain affecting mainly the top and front of the shoulder, but also the side of the shoulder and upper arm pain.
If you experience pain in the shoulder with the following, you should consult a Chiropractor from Lincoln Chiropractic Clinic, for the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Treatment usually involves shoulder joint mobilisation, massage therapy, cold/heat therapy, ultrasound therapy, and exercise therapy. Your Chiropractor will also advise you on the do's and don'ts.
Your Chiropractor will also be able to determine whether your shoulder pain is originating from your neck, from referred pain from the joints and muscles, or nerve pain.

Elbow Pain

There are many causes for arm, elbow and wrist pain. The most common reasons for the pain is from overuse or repetitive strain injuries, such as Tendonitis (inflamation of the tendons).
These include 

        Rotator Cuff Injury (inflamation of the tendons around the shoulder).

       Tennis and Golfers Elbow (inflamation of the tendons around the elbow).

      Bursitis (inflamation of the bursa - a small fluid filled sack which seperates tendons and bone).

These conditions are caused when your arm is overworked as in sport, work and DIY/gardening or as result of direct trauma to your arm.
Other conditions as in Frozen Shoulder or Osteoarthritis  (wear and tear) are slower to present themselves.
There are other less obvious causes for pain into the shoulder and arm. Frequently, problems from your neck, will create referred pain into the shoulder and arm. Nerve pain due to "slipped discs" or Osteoarthritis of the neck will create shooting pain into the shoulder and arm often with numbness and pins & needles.

Keep your joints moving properly

Chiropractic care treats the cause of pain, not just the pain itself. Your Chiropractor will carry out a full examination and ask you detailed questions about your posture, medical history and lifestyle to help diagnose the cause of your arm pain.
Then if appropriate, your treatment will begin, often with gentle, specific manipulation. This effective treatment is generally painless, although you may feel some short term discomfort if your arm is very sore.
Your Chiropractor may use ultrasound and recommend ice or heat treatment, massage and rehabilitative exercise.

Wrist Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This condition affects the narrow fibro-osseous tunnel on the palm side of the wrist causing Median nerve compression.
Initially the symptoms may be intermittent with occasional numbness/tingling in the hand (mainly affecting the thumb, index and middle finger). You may notice increased clumsiness due to decreased dexterity and weakness of the pinch grip strength. The symptoms may be worse at night and cause you to wake. Day time activity may also increase the symptoms.

Hand Pain

The hand is composed of many different bones, muscles and ligaments that allow for a large amount of movement and dexterity.
Common causes of hand pain include:
If you should experience pain in the hand and fingers, you should consult a Chiropractor from Lincoln Chiropractic Clinic, for the complete diagnosis and appropriate treatment.